Polyurethane Crown

They are one of the decorative building features often used in interior and exterior architecture. They are one of the decoration models used in architecture, especially in the Anatolian Seljuk and Ottoman Periods. Especially, the door samples are the most commonly used structures in history. We can see that these decorations are used at the door entrances of many structures such as mosques, baths, palaces, inns, and caravanserais. Today, they are used as decoration on the doors and windows of homes and workplaces. In general, they are produced with a lightweight building material called polyurethane. Geometric patterns, plant motifs, and Ottoman figures are generally the main designs used in the structures.






They provide fantastic beauty to the spaces with their different models used in interior and exterior architecture. They also provide an exotic appearance to the building when applied on the doors and windows on the exterior. As they can be applied on top of doors and windows in interior architecture, they can be used as a decorative element on mirrors. Models, produced with polyurethane material are designed in different forms, such as motifs from the Seljuk and Ottoman periods, flower and plant models, and gothic models with geometric shapes. They can be customized according to the application area and the expectations of customers. Since polyurethane material can be dyed, various models can be obtained by painting them with different dye types such as acrylic, gold foil, and lacquer paint.

Visual Quality in the Structure is at the Highest Level with Polyurethane Crowns

As can be seen in the architectural works that have been built in different periods, people of that time always paid attention to decoration. Unique models applied on doors and windows managed to bring their beauty with them from the past to the present. Today, many people who want to enjoy these impressive designs in their living spaces, workplaces, or offices can enjoy the opportunity to find what they are looking for by checking these polyurethane crown models in detail.

Custom-Made Polyurethane Crown Models

We had limited models when polyurethane crown types started to emerge during their first years. Therefore, people who wanted to enjoy such products could only examine the ones they came across during their search, and could choose from among these models, even though they did not appeal to their taste. Later, as can be seen during the polyurethane crown models, impressive designs such as geometric patterns, Ottoman figures, and plant motifs are offered for people to choose from. One of the main reasons why polyurethane material is preferred too often is because it has a very light structure, and it can be designed in any desired shape or form without any problems. In this way, their application does not damage the structure by any means.


Also, polyurethane crown models are extremely healthy due to the material they are made of, and they do not include any carcinogenic substances. Thus, people can prefer the models they want without having any questions marks in their minds. One of the details that most people consider while buying these models is whether these crowns will catch fire in case of any fire. It is because if they catch fire, they can lead to serious problems. However, polyurethane material does not catch fire. In other words, the fire will not spread in case it will approach the polyurethane crown. It is possible to apply the polyurethane crown in a short time once people choose the right models for their taste. Thus, they can enjoy the desired image easily in any space.